Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri presented "Platforms as Blackacres" as part of the Yale Law School Information Society Project's 2020 "Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference 8" during October.

Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian Rachel S. Evans published "A Practical Workflow for OCR Telework" in 40.8 Computers in Libraries 16 (2020) (with T. Striepe and S. Wolfson).

Associate Professor Jonathan Peters was featured on CNN Business regarding the Biden-Harris administration and freedom of the press. The article titled "Biden aide: The president-elect knows the media's job is to 'hold him accountable'" was written by Brian Stelter and published 11/8/20.

Dean Rusk International Law Center Interim Director & Hosch Professor Lori A. Ringhand was featured on the BBC World Service News Hour regarding the U.S. presidential election on 11/9/20.

Associate Director for Research Services Thomas "TJ" Striepe published "A Practical Workflow for OCR Telework" in 40.8 Computers in Libraries 16 (2020) (with R. Evans and S. Wolfson).