Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

Brock Associate Professor in Professional Responsibility Nathan S. Chapman was featured on Bloomberg Law regarding religious exemptions for the Covid-19 vaccine. The article titled" Religious Covid Vaccine Objections Can Come From 'Church of One'" was written by Robert Iafolla and published 11/30/21. 

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Wilner/UGA Foundation Professor in International Law Harlan Grant Cohen presented "Judicializaton and Public Support for Compliance with International Commitments" at the Midyear Meeting of the American Society of International Law during November (with R. Powers).

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Associate Dean for International Programs & Post Professor Melissa J. "MJ" Durkee presented "International Lobbying by Industry Trade Groups: Context, Laws, Reforms" to the Department of Law at the North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh, during November. This presentation drew on her publication "Welcoming Participation, Avoiding Capture: A Five-Part Framework" in 114 American Society of International Law Proceedings 39 (2021) and her work-in-progress titled "Industry Groups in International Governance: A Framework For Reform." 

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Wilner/UGA Foundation Professor in International Law Harlan Grant Cohen published "Culture Clash: The Sociology of WTO Precedent" in Precedents as Rules and Practice (A. Frese and J. Schumann, eds.) (C.H. Beck/Hart/Nomos, 2021).

Marshall Chair of Constitutional Law Randy Beck was featured on Georgia Public Broadcasting's "Political Rewind" regarding the U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. The segment titled "Dickens wins Atlanta runoff; SCOTUS hears arguments in landmark abortion case" was hosted by Bill Nigut and aired 12/1/21.