Our faculty are leaders in scholarship, teaching and service, as detailed in our faculty profiles. Here are highlights of their recent achievements:

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Information Technology Librarian Jason Tubinis, Instruction and Faculty Services Librarian Savanna Nolan, and Clinical Services and Research Librarian Amy Taylor recently earned promotions. Tubinis has been elevated to the rank of Librarian IV, while Nolan and Taylor now hold Librarian II status.

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Clinical Assistant Professor & First Amendment Clinic Director Clare R. Norins was featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding song lyrics being used as evidence in criminal proceedings. The article titled "U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson seeks to protect artists' lyrics from prosecutors" was written by Jozsef Papp and published 8/9/22.

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Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R. West co-presented "Current Threats to Press Freedoms" as part of the Free Expression Legal Networks Next Conversation Series. The FELN is a network of law school clinics, academics, and practitioners across the country that seek to promote and protect free speech, free press, and the flow of information. 

Marshall Chair of Constitutional Law Randy Beck was featured in California's Visalia Times Delta regarding new bounty hunting laws in Texas and California. The article titled "Bounty hunting: Foes of guns and abortion resurrect an old idea" was written by Nigel Duara and published 8/9/22.

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Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson was featured in the Daily Beast regarding special grand juries. The article titled "Why the Fulton County Grand Jury Isn't Going to Indict Trump" was written by Jose Pagliery and published 8/9/22.