Networking and Building a Brand


Richard Bliss is the founder of BlissPoint Consulting, an innovative marketing firm in Silicon Valley teaching leaders how to become digital executives in today's new virtual business environment. LinkedIn has named him one of their Top 10 Voices and is an award winning pioneer in technology, collaboration, and cloud computing, Richard has lectured and presented on five continents on the topics of emerging trends and their impact on business. He's also been nicknamed the e-Grinch by CNN for his work with communication security.

Bar Exam Character & Fitness: What You Need to Know


Important information session for 3Ls & LLMs.

Representatives from the Georgia bar admissions office will explain what you need to know about the fitness certification process, which you must successfully complete before you can sit for the bar exam. The information also is helpful for those taking other states' bar exams.

Register in LawDawgDash to obtain Zoom information.

Asian Law Students Association: Q&A with Ling Ling Nie


We are honored to welcome Ling Ling Nie, the General Counsel and Vice President for Ethics and Compliance at Georgia Tech, as a guest speaker this semester. Before working at Georgia Tech, she was the Chief Compliance Officer & Assistant General Counsel at Panasonic Corporation. Ms. Nie will be sharing her career experiences working in-house. This will be a good listen for those who are interested in working in-house at some point in time.

Reminder: Symplicity closing

Announcing LawDawgDash, to replace Symplicity

We are excited to announce a new career management software, LawDawgDash. LawDawgDash will replace CDO Symplicity at the end of June.

The Career Development Office team is preparing to migrate job listings, student accounts, events, and on-campus interview information to LawDawgDash, with a plan to go live on July 1, 2020.

All access to CDO Symplicity will end after June 30, 2020.

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