Young Professionals Panel hosted by the International Law Society


Join the International Law Society for a panel made up of graduates from UGA Law that now work in international law. The panelists will talk about their positions in international law including what they do, how they got to their position, and tips they have for students on how to get into the international field.

Panelists include: 

Tina Termei. Senior Corporate Counsel at Amazon.

Kaitlin Ball. Adviser, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Please RSVP to reserve a lunch. 

Lunch and Learn with Former Georgia Trial Lawyers Association President Jon Pope


Join the Student Georgia Trial Lawyers' Association for a guest pane with Jon Pope. He will discuss his career as an attorney, his time spent as President of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, and how this impacted his career he will also be doing a Q and A at the end. 

Please RSVP to reserve lunch. 

JLSA - Bagels on the Lawn


Bagels on the Lawn with Rabbi Refson of UGA Chabad. Please join us on Monday, March 2 from 12-1pm on the lawn outside of the law school for a lunch of bagels, shmear, and lox! In addition to the nosh, the Rabbi will be hosting a conversation - either lecture and questions or Q&A style - so please come with any and all questions. Topics include, but are not limited to: Judaism in general, Judaic law, and the intersection of American and Jewish law.

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop with GJICL


Join the Georgia Journal of International Law for a Diversity & Inclusion Workshop with guest panelist Shalanna Pirtle of Parker Poe. The purpose of this panel is to highlight the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion within the legal field. The keynote speaker will speak about the impact of their role as a Chief Talent, Diversity, & Inclusion Officer while at their law firm and how it has influenced the firm and individuals within the firm as a whole. Additionally, our speaker will discuss about their own personal experience with diversity as an attorney. 

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