National Workshop with the ABA Law Student Division
SB435: Vacatur and Record Restriction for Survivors of Trafficking in Georgia
Join the Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic, the Georgia Justice Project and Street Grace for a webinar on SB435, also known as the Debbie Vance Act. The new law allows vacatur or record restriction of certain convictions for survivors of trafficking in Georgia. The speakers of this webinar will discuss how to identify survivors of trafficking, trauma-informed representation, eligibility and procedure under the Debbie Vance Act, and the required forms from the Georgia Attorney General's office. CLE credit will be available.
Tennessee Regional Alumni Event
Tennessee alumni are invited to attend this event to celebrate the law school and network with fellow alumni.
UGA chapter of the American Red Cross blood drive
With blood supplies at a low level, the UGA chapter of the American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at Memorial Hall. You can sign up for a blood drive appointment at .
W(h)ither the Paris Agreement? with Dan Bodansky
"W[h]ither the Paris Agreement?," brown bag lunchtime discussion with Daniel Bodansky Co-sponsored by the Dean Rusk International Law Center and the UGA International Law Society
Summer Academic Success Program
The Summer Academic Success Program runs August 3 -12.
First Amendment Rights on Campus: Navigating Free Speech Issues for Students, Employees & Visitors
This class for UGA faculty and staff explores the legal frameworks governing speech and expression rights for members of the UGA community. Topic areas covered include, without limitation: forum analysis, time/place/manner restrictions, hate speech, public employee doctrine, academic freedom and heckler's veto.
Participants will learn about significant court decisions relating to speech rights in the higher education context and see how First Amendment principles are applied to case studies.
Zoom Pet Therapy
A meet 'n greet for pets! Introduce your pet to some of your favorite professors while also getting to meet the furry friends that you may see popping up behind your professors during class. Human children and plants also welcome. Come and go anytime during the hour.
Professor Hale's dog Flossie She is a rescue dog and is a golden retriever/border collie mix (we think). She is the best dog ever.
UGA Blood Drive
This blood drive is open to all members of the UGA community. In order to properly maintain social distancing, donors will require an appointment and should visit and use the sponsor code: UGA.