Race and the Right to Vote


Finally, ACS is proud to team up with the Davenport-Benham Black Law Students Association to co-host a discussion of the right to vote in Georgia and voter suppression tactics such as racial gerrymandering, voter ID, polling place closures, etc. Panelists will discuss solutions for working together to ensure access to the ballot this November and beyond. Register here.

The Bar Exam: What You Need to Know


3Ls & LLMs:
Zoom in to the updated discussion on what you need to know about the bar exam.
Topics will include:
- Exam registration information
- How to apply for the Certificate of Provisional Admission in Georgia
- Where to check for ongoing updates to various jurisdictions' bar exams
- Q&A
To join the Zoom meeting:
or mobile +13126266799,,92389505008# or +16465588656,,92389505008#

Election Protection Poll Worker Training


Are you interested in elections? Do you care about democracy? UGA Law's American Constitution Society (ACS) invites you to volunteer as a poll monitor to protect the right to vote during the 2020 elections!

Every voter deserves to vote without fear or unfair barriers- that's the cornerstone of our democracy. Become a trained nonpartisan volunteer to be the first line of defense against extremely long lines, broken voting machines, and outright acts of intimidation.

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