Pet Therapy Zoom


Please join us for the final Pet Therapy Zoom of the semester! The stars of the show will be all of our pets (aspiring therapy dogs, cats, plants, other - all are welcome!), but humans without pets should join as well! We are all going to miss those adorable pups in the Law Library Foyer this exam period, but we hope Zooming with our pets can be the next best thing. Feel free to pop in just for a minute, or stay for the entire half hour - up to you!

Virtual Event: Associate Justice Stephen Breyer

Associate Justice of the United State Supreme Court Stephen Breyer will join the Kennedy Institute for an important and timely conversation on the increasingly vital role the Supreme Court plays as one of our three branches of government. Associate Justice Breyer will share how the Supreme Court provides checks and balances on the executive and legislative branches of government, how elections impact who is nominated to the bench, highlights of the Supreme Court's important recent rulings, and his thoughts on the passing of the legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Financial Workshop: Student Loans


Join the School of Law's Financial Literacy graduate assistant, Timi Jorgensen, for a deep dive into the world of student loans. This session of the Financial Literacy Series will explore borrowing, repayment strategies, and the impact of loans on your overall financial plan.

Lunch provided.

Please RSVP via Qualtrics at

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