Walter Hellerstein Law Library Fund

Walter Hellerstein Law Library Fund - 

Provide support for the Alexander Campbell King Law Library which shall include funding of student travel to tax-related conferences, preservation of tax-related scholarship, and any other expense as deemed appropriate by the Director of the Law Library.

In addition to the Fund's original purpose, it will also provide unrestricted academic, administrative, and instructional technology support for the Director of the Law Library and will advance the mission of the Alexander Campbell King Law Library.

Carl E. Sanders Law Library Endowment

Carl E. Sanders Law Library Endowment - 

The purpose of the Fund is to provide for the Law Library operations, acquisitions, equipment, travel, and other library-related activities inuring to the benefit of the University of Georgia School of Law.

If the entire income generated by the Fund is not needed for the purpose as stated herein, the excess income may be used to support student scholarships.

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