Atlanta, GA

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of General Counsel (Region IV office--Atlanta) functions as in-house counsel to the Secretary of HHS. Our core work is administrative and federal court litigation and client outreach. Some matters involve issues of compliance with HHS programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Head Start. Specific cases could involve, for example: nursing homes, clinical laboratories or physicians' group practices; state Medicaid plans; or Head Start grantees. Other matters involve business law-related issues like labor and employment, contracts and medical malpractice cases for HHS clients including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Food and Drug Administration and the Indian Health Service. Specific cases could involve, for example: litigation before the Government Accountability Office, Merit Systems Protection Board, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or Federal Labor Relations Authority. Interns and externs do what our attorneys do: conduct research on pressing legal issues, draft pleadings and client memos, and prepare for hearings or trials. Working in the HHS Office of General Counsel will give students a practical introduction to working as in-house counsel for a Federal Government Agency.

Accepts Full Time Applications
Accepts Part Time Applications
Other Criteria
Site supervisor interviews and selects.
Placement Type