Atlanta, GA

Externships at the Atlanta Immigration Courts offer individuals the opportunity to develop their research, writing, and analytical skills, and expand their knowledge of immigration law. Typical assignments include researching complex issues of removability and eligibility for relief from removal, preparing decisions on motions, and drafting final decisions for immigration judges. Frequently, these assignments involve the interplay of criminal law, both state and federal, and family law with immigration law. Interns work closely with Attorney Advisors, and have the opportunity to observe multiple hearings a day and gain insight into the adjudicatory process.

Applicants should have strong research and writing skills. Prior knowledge of immigration law is preferred but not required. Selected applicants will be required to submit to a security background check.

Accepts Full Time Applications
Accepts Part Time Applications
Other Criteria

Applicants must be United States citizens. Dual citizenship is permissible, but must be disclosed in the application. Part-time externs must work a minimum of 15 hours per week.

Placement Type
Placement Subtype
Federal Courts