Please submit this request form at least 48 hours in advance. If the event is less than 48 hours away, please call 706-542-5165.

Is this event at the law school?
Have you reserved a room?

Please reserve a room first. You can request the event be posted to the law school event calendar within the Room Reservation Form.

A copy of your request will be sent to your email address upon submission of this form.

If your event is later canceled, please contact Amy Weaver, or (706) 542-5226.

For questions or additional information, please contact Amy Weaver, or (706) 542-5226.

The information provided for the following questions will be used in the law school event calendar post.

Include information about guest speaker(s), if food will be served, etc.
NOTE: You are limited to 700 characters.
You can submit an electronic flyer to accompany your event on the law school’s calendar in a .jpeg format.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg.
Please check all that apply.
Event Type:
Please check all that apply.