University of Georgia School of Law students enjoy practical global practice experience year-round, through Global Externships At Home and the Global Externships Overseas.

At Home

Global Externships At Home take place within the United States during the law school's academic year or in the summer. Students may find placements related to international law in legal departments, government offices, and nongovernmental organizations.

Recent placements:

  • Through our Atlanta Semester in Practice: the Carter Center, Access to Law, and the Federal Trade Commission
  • Through our D.C. Semester in Practice: the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Office of International Affairs, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, U.S. Trade Representative, and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Immigration Litigation, and NATO SACT
  • Through our Corporate Counsel Externships: the legal departments of top corporations like Coca-Cola and nongovernmental organizations like CARE International


Global Externships Overseas (GEOs) are four-to-twelve week placements in diverse areas of legal practice around the world. Students return to Athens with new colleagues and mentors, legal practice skills, and a deeper appreciation of the global legal profession. 

Over the last fifteen years, more than 200 Georgia Law students have completed a GEO. Students secure placements tailored to their career goals with the aid of the Dean Rusk International Law Center.

Recent placements:

  • Law firms like DLA Piper in Russia, GORG in Germany, Priti Suri & Associates in India, Siqueira Castro Advogadoes in Brazil, and King & Wood Mallesons in China
  • Government agencies like the Cambodia Ministry of Arts & Antiquities and the Guyana Office of the Attorney General
  • Corporate legal departments like the Clorox Company in Argentina and Fererro in Luxembourg
  • Intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in France, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in Italy, and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SREP) in Samoa
  • Nongovernmental organizations like War Child in the Netherlands, Boat People SOS in Thailand, and Women in Law and Development in Ghana

Many University of Georgia School of Law students receive stipends from the law school, with assistance from the Dean Rusk International Law Center. Others secure external funding. Many students split their summers, often combining a GEO with the Global Governance Summer School.


For more information, contact Sarah Quinn, Director, Dean Rusk International Law Center, at or (706) 542-5176.