Bruner publishes article in Transnational Legal Theory
Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M.
The University of Georgia School of Law is redefining what it means to be a great national public law school. The following news items demonstrate the School of Law’s commitment to producing World-class Scholarship advancing the rule of law, while also supporting the school’s vision to be the best return on investment in legal education.
Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M.
Regents' Professor of International Law & Woodruff Chair in International Law Diane Marie Amann presented “Child-Taking Justice and Forced Residential Schooling of Indigenous Americans” as part of the
Brumby Distinguished Professor in First Amendment Law Sonja R.
Smith Professor Hillel Y. Levin offers insights on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case Smith & Wesson Brands v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos: “I urge the U.S.
Congratulations to Dean Usha R.
Assistant Professor Assaf Harpaz presented “Global Tax Wars in the Digital Era” at the Columbia University Law School as part of the
Associate Dean & Martin Chair of Law Andrea L. Dennis' book Rap on Trial was featured on WRDW regarding the use of rap lyrics as evidence in criminal trials.
Post Professor Pamela Foohey and her co-authored 2023 Virginia Law Review article “Silencing Litigation Through Bankruptcy” were featured on Law360 reg
Post Professor Pamela Foohey published “The Periphery of Bankruptcy Law: The Importance of
UGA Associate Provost & Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks will serve on the Executive Committee of the