The mediation practicum consists of two courses, Mediation Practicum and Mediation Clinic. Mediation Practicum is a general civil mediation training that is approved by the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. Students who complete all of the requirements are eligible to register with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution and, once registered, mediate court-referred cases in Georgia. Successful completion of Mediation Practicum (or prior registration and the permission of the instructor) is required for students desiring to take Mediation Clinic. Mediation Clinic is a clinical experience where students mediate on-site for the Athens Clarke-County Magistrate Court.
Mediation skills are useful to almost any area of law practice. In learning to mediate students also learn how to communicate effectively, think creatively, negotiate using integrative bargaining principles, and how to draft clear and enforceable settlement agreements.
Mediation Practicum
What is required for Mediation Practicum?
Mediation Practicum is a three hour, three credit course that meets weekly. It is a highly participatory course, and therefore class attendance and participation are extremely important. Missed classes must be approved by the instructor, and may result in failure to meet requirements for ODR registration. The course may be taken for a grade without registration with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution, in which case class attendance for each class is not mandatory.
Is there a writing requirement for Mediation Practicum?
There is very little out of class work involved in Mediation Practicum, hence class participation is critical to your grade and to becoming a competent and ethical mediator. Some reading and out of class preparation is required, but the bulk of your work and learning will be done in class.
Is there an exam for this course?
There is a final exam that is performance based and involves participating in mediation simulations similar to the role plays performed in class. Typically the exam is administered during the last class rather than during exam period.
How do I enroll in Mediation Practicum?
Registration eligibility for Mediation Practicum is based on the points allocation process. Enrollment is limited to 15 students per section. Mediation I is offered during Fall and Spring and Summer semesters.
What else do I need to know?
Mediation Practicum hours do not count towards your clinical credit cap.
Mediation Clinic
What is Mediation Clinic?
Mediation Clinic operates in conjunction with various courts and dispute resolution programs in Georgia. Cases for online or in-person mediation are provided through the 10th Judicial District ADR Program, the State and Magistrate Courts of Athens-Clarke County, The Mediation Center of Savannah, University Housing at UGA and other partners.
Are there prerequisites?
Mediation Clinic students must successfully complete Mediation Practicum and register with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. Registration fees must be paid by the student to the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution.
What are the course requirements?
Mediation Clinic offers 3 hours of clinical credits. Students attend a two-hour weekly seminar and are available to mediate remotely and on-site every week. Other course requirements include weekly readings, reflective journals, class presentations, participation in class case rounds and an in-depth case assessment.
How do I apply for Mediation Clinic?
In addition to completion of Mediation Practicum and registration as a neutral with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution, prospective students must submit a written application using the Unified Application Form. Students may be interviewed. Students are advised as to whether they may enroll prior to the registration period. No more than eight students may enroll per semester, though fewer students may be accepted depending on fieldwork opportunities. Mediation Clinic is available Spring, Summer and Fall to eligible students.
Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution
For more information on court-connected mediation in Georgia and becoming a neutral visit www.godr.org.