University of Georgia School of Law
Alexander Campbell King Law Library
Law Library 260A
Athens, GA 30602
United States
B.A., University of Southern California
J.D., University of Georgia
M.S.L.I.S., Catholic University of America
Legal Research
Advanced Legal Research
Spies, Lies and Lawyers: Social Media, Misinformation and the Law
Savanna Nolan returned to the University of Georgia School of Law to work in the Alexander Campbell King Law Library as its instruction and faculty services librarian in July 2020. In this position, she promotes and coordinates research service for the faculty and also teaches legal research courses.
An active member of the American Association of Law Libraries and its Southeastern Chapter, Nolan has regularly presented as part of both organizations’ programming over the past three years. She also routinely presents at the annual Teaching the Teachers conference, which focuses on evidence-based instructional strategies and instructional design, taught by law librarians for law librarians. She presently serves as the treasurer of the Southeastern Association of Law Libraries and as the chair of the AALL Economic Status of Law Librarians Committee.
Hugh Ambrose “Hughie” Jennings (1945), in Attorneys in the Baseball Hall of Fame (McFarland & Company, 2025) (forthcoming).
Constitution: In General, in Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities, and the Law: A Research Bibliography 2006-2016 (Dana Neacsu & David Holt eds., 2018)(with Andrew Lang).
Maryland, in Negligence Purpose, Elements, and Evidence: The Role of Foreseeability in the Law of Fifty States (Balloon Press, 2018).
West Virginia, in Negligence Purpose, Elements, and Evidence: The Role of Foreseeability in the Law of Fifty States (Balloon Press, 2018).
Writing Winning Personal Statements for Scholarship Applications, AALL Spectrum, Mar./Apr. 2021, at 32.
Inside Baseball: Justice Blackmun and the Summer of ’72, The Green Bag Almanac & Reader 351 (Ross E. Davies & Cattleya Concepcion, eds., 2020).
Experience Active Learning Implementation (July 22, 2024) (2024 AALL Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL).
Experience Active Learning! (May 30, 2024) (Teaching the Teachers 2024, Philadelphia, PA).
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of AI in the Courts (May 28, 2024) (Institute of Continuing Judicial Education, virtual).
The Gen-Z Playbook: Teaching and the Next Gen(eration) (May 18, 2024) (SEAALL Annual Meeting 2024, Lexington, KY).
Courting Insights: Slam Dunking into Law Library Data Analytics (May 17, 2024) (SEAALL Annual Meeting 2024, Lexington, KY).
How to Train Your Digital Commons (March 31, 2023) (SWALL Annual Meeting 2023, Tucson, AZ/virtual).
How to Train Your Digital Commons (March 10, 2023) (SEAALL Annual Meeting 2023, Richmond, VA).
How Do You Want to Do This?: Dungeons, Dragons, and Legal Research Andragogy (July 21, 2022) (pre-recorded loop presentation, 2022 Legal Writing Institute Biannual Conference, Washington DC).
Incorporating User Experience Design and Design Thinking Into Research Guide Development (July 18, 2022) (2022 AALL Annual Meeting, Denver, CO).
Live Demo #2: Dungeons, Dragons, and Legal Research Andragogy (May 13, 2022) (Teaching the Teachers, Portland OR).
Managing Difficult Conversations in the Classroom (May 12, 2022) (Teaching the Teachers, Portland OR).
OER and You: Tools, Tips, Tricks, and Implementation Ideas (April 14, 2022) (SEAALL Annual Meeting 2022).
Beyond Scholarship: Innovative Institutional Repository Collections (July 2021) (On-demand session with live Q&A, AALL Annual Meeting 2021).