Bar Exam Preparatory Support Fund
The purpose of the Fund is to provide support for law students or graduates in paying for bar preparatory courses or materials. Recipients shall be selected by a committee appointed by the Dean of the School of Law ("School"). The selection committee will execute a charge from the Dean. That charge may include performing various functions, which may vary from year to year, such as the review of prospective recipients' application materials, or rank-ordering the preferred sequence of recipients. Support shall include, but not be limited to, bar exam preparatory courses (e.g., BarMax, Kaplan, AdaptiBar, Themis, and BarBri), materials (e.g., practice exam books), and any other student-related bar preparatory expenses deemed appropriate by the Dean of the School. Some expenses may be paid directly to vendors, while others may be handled as reimbursements to law students or graduates.
- Mail:
- Check payable to: UGA Foundation
For: Bar Exam Preparatory Support Fund (90284000)
University of Georgia School of Law
Law School Advancement Office
225 Herty Drive
Athens, GA 30602-6012
- Check payable to: UGA Foundation
- Online - One-time or recurring gift options via debit/credit card
- Phone:
- Stock or Wire Transfer Instructions:
- Available upon request