9@9 with Lauren Allen of the Kansas City Housing Authority


Beginning on March 3 and each following Wednesday at 9 a.m., Career Development and Advancement will host eight students and one attorney over zoom for small group networking over coffee, or a morning beverage of choice. The series, titled 9@9, is designed to create more intimate networking and learning sessions for students. Each session will be about 40 minutes: 30 minutes to hear from the Attorney and then about 10 minutes for questions.

This event is envisioned to be a more informal setting to interact with UGA Law alumni.

Asian Law Students Association: Q&A with Ling Ling Nie


We are honored to welcome Ling Ling Nie, the General Counsel and Vice President for Ethics and Compliance at Georgia Tech, as a guest speaker this semester. Before working at Georgia Tech, she was the Chief Compliance Officer & Assistant General Counsel at Panasonic Corporation. Ms. Nie will be sharing her career experiences working in-house. This will be a good listen for those who are interested in working in-house at some point in time.

How to Recognize, Interrupt, and End Implicit Bias


Michelle Silverthorn is the Founder and CEO of Inclusion Nation. Michelle founded Inclusion Nation on the belief that diversity and inclusion needs a new voice for a new generation. A recognized organizational diversity expert, and in-demand diversity speaker, Michelle works with clients in all industries to design spaces centered on courage, belonging, and authenticity. She equips her audiences across the country with the knowledge and skills to finally move forward on diversity and inclusion.

How to Fund Your Public Interest Job: Summer and Beyond


There are numerous fellowship and grant options to support unpaid public service work (for summer and for post-grad). Come learn about these; this information will be particularly helpful to those who attended the Georgia Public Sector Career Fair.

Please visit Law Dawg Dash to register and gain the zoom information.


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