Networking and Building a Brand


Richard Bliss is the founder of BlissPoint Consulting, an innovative marketing firm in Silicon Valley teaching leaders how to become digital executives in today's new virtual business environment. LinkedIn has named him one of their Top 10 Voices and is an award winning pioneer in technology, collaboration, and cloud computing, Richard has lectured and presented on five continents on the topics of emerging trends and their impact on business. He's also been nicknamed the e-Grinch by CNN for his work with communication security.

Election Protection Poll Worker Training


Are you interested in elections? Do you care about democracy? UGA Law's American Constitution Society (ACS) invites you to volunteer as a poll monitor to protect the right to vote during the 2020 elections!

Every voter deserves to vote without fear or unfair barriers- that's the cornerstone of our democracy. Become a trained nonpartisan volunteer to be the first line of defense against extremely long lines, broken voting machines, and outright acts of intimidation.

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