A Conversation with the US Embassy in South Korea


This event is part of the Dean Rusk Center's ongoing Consular Series, which
presents students, staff, and faculty with global perspectives on
international trade, cooperation, development, and policy.

Speakers from Embassy Seoul will be: Aaron Tarver, Cultural Attach?; Anna
Dupont, Director of Exchanges and Alumni Programs; and Bill Furnish, Chief
Program Officer.

Peaceful Assembly as a Human Right at a Critical Time: A Discussion of General Comment No. 37 on Article 21 of the ICCPR


Dr. Jonathan Peters, Associate Professor of Journalism at UGA's Grady College, will be leading the discussion.

Panelists will include:

Ilze Brands Kehris, the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Christof Heyns, the Human Rights Committee Rapporteur who drafted General Comment No. 37 Yuval Shany, former Chair of the Human Rights Committee, and H?l?ne Tigroudja, member of the Human Rights Committee.

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