Georgia Law Mental Health Alliance (GLMHA) aims to destigmatize mental illness and provide a safe space for students, professors, and faculty to openly discuss mental health issues facing and impacting the law school community. The organization spreads awareness of mental health issues in order to demonstrate that no one is alone and every life is valued all the time.
Co-President: Robert Meyer - Robert.meyer63@uga.edu
Co-President: Andrea Bell - andreabell@uga.edu
Co-Vice President: Lexi Rubin - alexis.rubin25@uga.edu
Co-Vice President: Zoe Ryan - zoe.ryan@uga.edu
Treasurer: Christian Wynn - christian.wynn@uga.edu
Co-Secretary: Anna Barret - abarrett1@uga.edu
Co-Secretary: Dresden Day - day.dresden@uga.edu