Election Protection Poll Worker Training


Are you interested in elections? Do you care about democracy? UGA Law's American Constitution Society (ACS) invites you to volunteer as a poll monitor to protect the right to vote during the 2020 elections!

Every voter deserves to vote without fear or unfair barriers- that's the cornerstone of our democracy. Become a trained nonpartisan volunteer to be the first line of defense against extremely long lines, broken voting machines, and outright acts of intimidation.

150 Years of Voting in America presented by Georgia Law Review


The day-long virtual symposium will discuss a range of topics related to voting in the United States, including the history of the Civil Rights and Suffrage movements, the Electoral College, and the future of voting rights litigation. This past election cycle has highlighted the importance of emerging swing states like Georgia. We invite students, practitioners, scholars, and any other interested parties to join us for this exciting discussion. The event is free to UGA students, staff, faculty, community members, and attorneys not seeking CLE credit.

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