First Amendment Rights on Campus: Navigating Free Speech Issues for Students, Employees & Visitors


This class for UGA faculty and staff explores the legal frameworks governing speech and expression rights for members of the UGA community. Topic areas covered include, without limitation: forum analysis, time/place/manner restrictions, hate speech, public employee doctrine, academic freedom and heckler's veto.

Participants will learn about significant court decisions relating to speech rights in the higher education context and see how First Amendment principles are applied to case studies.

Pet Therapy Zoom


Please join us for the final Pet Therapy Zoom of the semester! The stars of the show will be all of our pets (aspiring therapy dogs, cats, plants, other - all are welcome!), but humans without pets should join as well! We are all going to miss those adorable pups in the Law Library Foyer this exam period, but we hope Zooming with our pets can be the next best thing. Feel free to pop in just for a minute, or stay for the entire half hour - up to you!

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