The Future of Global Health Governance


This conference will address three crucial questions of global health governance. It will consider, first, whether and how the ailing global public health infrastructure might be reinvigorated; second, how the pandemic has threatened and exposed limitations of the social safety net in the United States and other economies around the world; and, finally, the phenomenon of vaccine refusal and what national and international legal institutions might do to curb it.

150 Years of Voting in America presented by Georgia Law Review


The day-long virtual symposium will discuss a range of topics related to voting in the United States, including the history of the Civil Rights and Suffrage movements, the Electoral College, and the future of voting rights litigation. This past election cycle has highlighted the importance of emerging swing states like Georgia. We invite students, practitioners, scholars, and any other interested parties to join us for this exciting discussion. The event is free to UGA students, staff, faculty, community members, and attorneys not seeking CLE credit.

Careers with the 11th Circuit Staff Attorneys' Office


The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has a staff attorneys' office. Attorneys will visit and share information about their work, and about the hiring procedures for interested students.

This is an especially valuable information session for 3Ls. 1Ls and 2Ls are welcome to attend.

RSVP by 3/2/20, in Symplicity or by email to

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