Georgia Public Sector Career Fair Orientation


The Georgia Public Sector Career Fair provides opportunities for summer and post-graduate jobs, with more than 75 public interest and government employers.

  • Student application deadline: Monday, February 8, 2021
  • Interviews for selected students: Friday, March 5, 2021

Interested students should attend this orientation session, to learn how to develop and submit best applications.

Register in LawDawgDash events, to obtain Zoom information.

Landscape of the Legal Profession: Employer Types


For this week's 1L career training, Landscape of the Legal Profession: Employer Types, we invite 1Ls to join the CDO team for a live Zoom session.

Learn valuable information and gain insights about which types of employers are likely to hire when, how they hire, and the types of credentials they seek.

Register in LawDawgDash to obtain Zoom meeting information.

Asian Law Students Association: Q&A with Steven Wong


We are honored to welcome Mr. Steven Wong, the Assistant General Counsel at The Home Depot, as a guest speaker this semester. Mr. Steven Wong leads and manages the global intellectual property legal function within The Home Depot. Before working at the Home Depot, he has worked at various IP boutique law firms. Mr. Wong will be sharing his general career experiences on how he got into IP. This will be a good listen for those who are interested in IP law and those who are interested in working in-house at some point in time.

How to Recognize, Interrupt, and End Implicit Bias


Michelle Silverthorn is the Founder and CEO of Inclusion Nation. Michelle founded Inclusion Nation on the belief that diversity and inclusion needs a new voice for a new generation. A recognized organizational diversity expert, and in-demand diversity speaker, Michelle works with clients in all industries to design spaces centered on courage, belonging, and authenticity. She equips her audiences across the country with the knowledge and skills to finally move forward on diversity and inclusion.

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