Artificial Intelligence and Contracts: Is this real life or just fantasy?


Gary Sangha is a serial legal-tech entrepreneur. He is the Founder and CEO of LexCheck, which is using artificial intelligence to help businesses more quickly review and negotiate contracts. Gary teaches at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and serves as a Fellow at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. Prior to starting LexCheck, Gary founded Intelligize, an information services company that helps business professionals more easily research regulatory filings.

SB435: Vacatur and Record Restriction for Survivors of Trafficking in Georgia


Join the Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic, the Georgia Justice Project and Street Grace for a webinar on SB435, also known as the Debbie Vance Act. The new law allows vacatur or record restriction of certain convictions for survivors of trafficking in Georgia. The speakers of this webinar will discuss how to identify survivors of trafficking, trauma-informed representation, eligibility and procedure under the Debbie Vance Act, and the required forms from the Georgia Attorney General's office. CLE credit will be available.

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