• Civil Externship II, JURI 5963S, 5964S, Credit Hours: 3 - 5

    The objective of this course, in which various governmental and private organizations will provide placements for student externships, is to engage students in three primary learning experiences: direct exposure to the skills and methods of legal practice; focused application of legal concepts to real conflicts; and reflective appraisal of their own abilities, values, and professional goals. In addition to the field work provided by the externships, a clinic seminar will provide a jurisprudential context in which to consider and organize the learning gained in the field. Register for both 5963S (graded portion) and 5964S (pass/fail portion).

  • Civil Procedure, JURI 4010, Credit Hours: 4

    This course covers the lifecycle of a lawsuit in federal court, including the scope and nature of the federal courts' constitutional and statutory authority to decide cases. Topics include statutory and constitutional constraints on judicial power to render an enforceable judgment against a defendant, subject-matter jurisdiction, venue, pleading, joinder, discovery, summary judgment, trial and post-trial motions, and the preclusive effect of final judgments. The course also touches on choice of law, separation of powers, federalism, forum shopping, and the interpretation of Rules, statutes, and constitutional text.

  • Climate Change Seminar, JURI 5283, Credit Hours: 2

    This seminar will examine topics in the emerging law of climate change in the United States, including treatment of scientific evidence, efforts at legislation, regulatory developments, ongoing litigation, the status of the UN framework regime, corporate compliance requirements, and policy pathways toward industrial and economic decarbonization.

  • Common Law Jurisprudence, JURI 4305, Credit Hours: 3

    (This course was formerly titled History of Common Law)

    This course, which blends legal history and jurisprudence, surveys the development of the common law in England and in the U.S. We examine the judicial role in the separate contexts of decisional law (where there is no single authoritative statement of the controlling rule) and positive law (where there is a single statement). The biographies of two contested concepts, “stare decisis” and “the rule of law,” help organize and animate the course. Evaluation will be based on a series of essays.

  • Community Health Law Partnership Clinic, JURI 5628S, 5629W, Credit Hours: 2 semester clinic; 4 hours each semester (2 hours graded; 2 hours pass/fail)

    The Community Health Law Partnership Clinic (“Community HeLP”) focuses on interdisciplinary advocacy at the intersection of immigration status and health, including humanitarian and family-based immigration benefits, advocacy on behalf of noncitizen workers and detainees, and public education.

    Working under the supervision of Professor Jason Cade and clinic staff, students have direct responsibility for all aspects of client representation in cases undertaken by the clinic, including: interviewing and advising clients; conducting research and drafting legal documents; advocating in court proceedings and administrative hearings, and collaborating with legal and medical professionals in the community. Clinic students periodically develop or update training materials for medical providers, legal advocates, and patients, and engage in related systemic policy work. This is a year-long (two-semester) clinic, with 4 credits awarded each semester. The course is structured so that students receive significant supervision, training, and guidance in the first semester, enabling more independent, advanced, and systemic work in the second semester. The weekly seminar component of the clinic provides skills training and substantive instruction in the clinic’s primary practice areas. The seminar also includes clinical “case rounds” designed to develop reflective advocacy, collaborative problem solving, and a framework for skills-transfer across issue areas.

  • Comparative Privacy Law, JURI 5595, Credit Hours: 1

    This course surveys approaches to privacy regulation around the globe, including comparing regulatory frameworks and different policy solutions. The course also introduces the major international privacy regulatory and enforcement institutions. Core lecturing will focus on the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its comparison with US federal and state law. Core concepts include controller/processor, personal data/personal information, data subject/consumer, cross-border transfers, and processing which will be approached through lecture from a comparative perspective.

  • Complex Litigation, JURI 5560, Credit Hours: 3

    This course examines the theory and practice of complex multiparty cases. In particular, it examines the major procedural and substantive issues in nationwide class actions and non-class aggregation. Our readings and discussions will focus on class actions (including the requirements for class certification, dueling state and federal class actions, and the strategic implications involved in settlement) and other advanced procedural topics including joinder, multidistrict litigation, phased trials, and preclusion.

  • Constitutional Criminal Procedure, JURI 3300, Credit Hours: 3

    A study of criminal process rights that apply during the interaction between law enforcement and individual suspects. More specifically, the course will examine the relationship (and tension) that exists between the law enforcement investigative function and the constitutional guarantees that are designed to safeguard our individual liberties.

  • Constitutional Issues in Military Justice System, JURI 5595, Credit Hours: 1

    This seminar will examine constitutional issues in the context of the military justice system. To that end, you will become familiar with both the constitutional and statutory framework underlying these issues as well as caselaw from federal courts that have analyzed them. Over the course of the week, we will examine questions related to serving as an Article I court within the federal system, particularly jurisdiction. We will also delve into areas of constitutional law that some of you are already familiar with, including aspects of criminal procedure, Due Process, and First and Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, albeit in the military context. The goal of this seminar is to improve your understanding of constitutional issues and help you develop an organized framework for approaching legal problems from the perspective of an appellate court. As such, each topic will begin with the text of the underlying constitutional provision, followed by the text of the relevant statute, and finally the body of caselaw that arises out of the judicial system. From time to time, we may also add scholarly articles and/or advocacy documents that will help put all these issues into context.

  • Constitutional Law I, JURI 4180, Credit Hours: 3

    This course addresses the meaning and impact of the Constitution of the United States, particularly with regard to the subjects of federalism, separation of powers, the judicial function and due process of law.

  • Constitutional Law II, JURI 4190, Credit Hours: 3

    This course focuses on constitutional protections of liberty and equality apart from protections that stem from principles of substantive and procedural due process. Subjects typically covered in the course include the Contract Clause, equal protection, freedom of expression, the right to free exercise of religion and the prohibition of laws respecting an establishment of religion.

  • Constitutional Law II, JURI 4190E, Credit Hours: 3

    This course focuses on constitutional protections of liberty and equality apart from protections that stem from principles of substantive and procedural due process. Subjects typically covered in the course include the Contract Clause, equal protection, freedom of expression, the right to free exercise of religion and the prohibition of laws respecting an establishment of religion. This course will be taught as a blended learning course. It will meet each Tuesday in person. On Fridays, it will sometimes meet in person, and sometimes virtually. In addition, some Friday classes will be replaced by podcasts that students can listen to at their leisure, together with writing assignments and small group meetings. Please email Professor Levin with any questions (hlevin@uga.edu).

  • Constitutional Litigation, JURI 4420, Credit Hours: 3

    Addresses a number of issues arising in damages actions brought under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983, which authorizes a cause of action against persons who violate constitutional rights under color of state law. Topics covered may include distinction between common law and constitutional torts, scope of governmental liability, official immunity, damages, causation, state court suits, procedural defenses, attorney's fees, and meaning of "under color of." Suits against federal officers, under principle established in Bivens v. Six Federal Narcotics Agents, may also be discussed.

  • Constitutional Rights in Education: Equality, Speech, and Religion, JURI 3980, Credit Hours: 3

    Introduces students to students' and teachers' constitutional rights and obligations in the education context.

  • Constitutional Structures Seminar, JURI 4198, Credit Hours: 2

    The goal will be to take a deep dive into the law of constitutional structures, with a focus on constitutional federalism. Students in the course will do significant written work, but not the sort of written work that will satisfy upper-level writing requirements.

  • Constitutional Theory, JURI 4196, Credit Hours: 2, Prerequisite: JURI 4180

    This course will investigate the history and theory surrounding the creation and ratification of the American Constitution, as well overarching themes and principles that have guided the development of constitutional law over time. Attention will focus in part on the work of Madison, Hamilton, and other leading thinkers at the time of the founding. Areas of study also will include various thematic approaches brought to bear by the Supreme Court as it decides constitutional cases. Student responsibilities will include regular attendance at, thoughtful preparation for, and active participation in class sessions. The major determinant of the student's grade will be work done in connection with a written project on a topic approved by the professor and an oral presentation on that topic made to the class. Written work for the course will be designed to satisfy the Law School's capstone writing requirement. Previous, or at least concurrent, enrollment in Constitutional Law II is recommended for students in this course.

  • Contract Drafting for Startups and New Ventures, JURI 5456, Credit Hours: 3

    The fundamentals of contract drafting applied to the context of fast growth technology startups and other new business ventures. Students will be introduced to multiple concepts including: interviewing clients, avoiding ambiguity, considering legal consequences, understanding core contract concepts, and reviewing and revising based on negotiations. This course will require students to produce successive drafts of documents that incorporate feedback from the professor. Students who have taken JURI 5850, Document Drafting: Contracts, are not eligible to take this class.

  • Contracts, JURI 4030, Credit Hours: 4

    Contracts provides an introduction to the law of legally enforceable promises under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code and the common law. Among other topics, the course considers offers and their acceptance; consideration, formalities, and promissory estoppel; the parole evidence rule and the statute of frauds; third-party enforcement; material breach of contract; and damages. Students are expected to be able to explain in writing how these and additional legal issues under the UCC and the common law apply to various complex factual scenarios.

  • Copyright Law, JURI 4430, Credit Hours: 2

    Focus is upon various methods to protect literary, musical, and artistic work under law of copyright. Copyright is a statutory subject based upon Copyright Act of 1909 and its amendments and Copyright Act of 1976. The course deals with what can be copyrighted, infringement actions, rights enjoyed by the copyright proprietor, jurisdiction and various remedies. Students in the class of 2013 and later are encouraged to take the IP Survey course before taking this course. NOTE: One cannot take the IP Survey (JURI 5050) after having taken any two of the following courses: Copyright Law (JURI 4430), Patent Law (JURI 4920), or Trademark Law (JURI 4930). If the IP Survey course is taken first, any or all three of the advanced intellectual property courses can be taken.

  • Corporate Counsel Externship, JURI 5968S, 5969S, Credit Hours: 4 - 6 (Corporate Counsel Externship Summer, JURI 5763E, JURI 5764S Credit Hours: 2 to 6)

    This course explores the practice of law from the perspective of an in-house counsel. Students will spend 1-2 days each week in a corporate legal department where they will have work assignments and experience firsthand the inner workings of a legal department. A 2-hour seminar each week will supplement the on-site work with discussions about relevant substantive topics and opportunities to build skills through drafting projects and simulations. In lieu of a final exam, students will prepare an appraisal with critical reflections about their externship and an oral presentation.